Water treatment in Capriano del Colle

Wastewater treatment refers to the process of removing contaminants from urban or industrial wastewater.

Many human activities lead to the production of discharges, called wastewater, which in order to be returned to the environment must be subjected to purification, since the quantity of pollutants is greater than the self-purifying capacity of land, sea, rivers and lakes.

It is therefore necessary to use wastewater purification systems that simulate biological processes that occur naturally, making them faster due to the technology used.

Urban sewage purification treatment consists of a succession of several phases during which unwanted substances are removed from the waste water and concentrated in the form of sludge.

The purification cycle consists of a combination of several chemical, physical and biological processes. The sludge coming from the purification cycle is often contaminated with toxic substances and therefore must also undergo a series of treatments necessary to make it suitable for disposal, for example in special landfills or for reuse in agriculture as it is or after composting.

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